
Facebook Ad or Boosted Post? When and Where to Use Them

Facebook ads and boosted posts are some of the main ways for advertisers to promote their content through Facebook. Both options are really amazing if you want to reach your audience. However, they have some differences, and it’s very important to know what you are getting yourself into, before opting for one or the other. Keep reading in order to learn more about when and where to use Facebook Ads or Boosted posts!

Facebook Ads

A Facebook Ad is not exactly like a regular online ad, because it is well-integrated with the style and flow of this particular social media platform. However, it is perfect if you generally want to advertise a specific new product, content, or service. It is also a great way to generate more awareness on your brand. Facebook Ads can be tailored to perfection to reach a specific audience. It’s possible to target people based on a number of factors, such as their age, gender, location, interests and their algorithm is utilized to further zero in on the appropriate audience for your brand.

Boosted Posts 

Boosted posts are often considered more organic than traditional ads. They almost have a newsworthy feel, based on the content you are promoting, and they can get people to feel more engaged and curious about what you’re up to. Boosted posts are great for people who want their ads to appear more organic and direct, and give momentum to a particular thing that’s happening, such as the launch of a new product, or even a specific event that would increase the positive reputation of your brand, such as a feature on a major publication.

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